Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Consider Video Interviewing...
In a day and age where technology drives everything, Hiring Managers are now cutting down on costs of interviewing by utilizing programs such as Skype to conduct interviews.
Read more at the provided link.
Read more at the provided link.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Ten Ways to Improve Your Inteerpersonal Skills
Are You Well Liked in the Office?
Interpersonal skills are invaluable at work. How your coworkers see you can
have a big impact on your career long term, as well as on your day-to-day life.
You may be the most brilliant person at your company, but if you can't get
along with your colleagues, you won't get far. Fortunately, there are several
things you can do to strengthen your social skills and become a team player.
These 10 actions will not only help you make better connections at work,
they'll improve how others perceive you.
-- Carrie Brenner
Tip #1: Put on a happy face
People who are the life of the party usually have one thing in common:
They're happy. If you smile often and have an upbeat attitude, your coworkers
will be drawn to you. And when youre having a bad day, don't try to pull others
down with you. You may find that people pass you by in favor of those with a
more cheerful outlook.
Tip #2: Show that you care
When it comes to praise, don't hold back the applause. If a coworker has
done something you appreciate -- no matter how small -- thank them for it.
Identify at least one attribute you value in each of your coworkers, and let
them know about it. Give colleagues a warm welcome whenever they call you or
visit your office. By showing others how much you care about them, you'll encourage
them to do the same in return and give you their best work.
Tip #3: Be considerate of colleagues
Take note of what's happening with your coworkers. Recognize the happy
events in their lives -- from a birthday to a kid's kindergarten graduation --
and be sure to show your genuine compassion when they face any personal
tragedy. Look people in the eye when you speak to them, and refer to them using
their first names. Show colleagues you value their input by asking their
Tip #4: Be an active listener
Unfortunately, active listening is becoming a lost art. Being an active
listener shows that you intend to both hear and recognize another's
perspective. Using your own words, repeat what the speaker has said. By doing
this, you'll know that you've processed their words, and they'll realize that
your answers have been genuinely thought out. Colleagues will feel more
connected to you knowing that you're an active listener, and you'll develop a
better understanding of them.
Tip #5: Promote togetherness
Help coworkers thrive by creating a friendly, cooperative environment.
Treat everyone the same, not like they're part of a hierarchy, and don't act
like one person's opinion is more important than another's. Don't gossip about
your colleagues. Always consider your coworkers' suggestions. After addressing
a crowd, make sure you've been understood. If you follow these rules, your
coworkers will come to identify you as a team player and someone who can be
Tip #6: Settle disputes.
You know how to bring people together, and now it's time to become the
person they can turn to when disputes arise. When colleagues disagree, it can
bring the mood of the whole office down, but you can improve the situation by
taking on the role of moderator. Arrange to have a discussion with both of the
aggrieved parties, and try to help them resolve their conflict. Not only will
your office be a happier place, but you'll come to be known as a leader.
Tip #7: Be a great communicator
In addition to being an active listener, you need to have otherwise great
communication skills. When in a discussion with colleagues, don't blurt out the
first thing that comes to mind. Instead, think carefully about the words you
use. With clear communication, you'll be able to avoid any potential misunderstandings
with colleagues.
A good speaker comes to be known as intelligent and mature, no matter their
age. If you have a tendency to give voice to any half-baked thought that
crosses your mind, people won't put great value in your opinions.
Tip #8: Make them laugh
Funny people are popular for a reason, so if you've got a great funny bone,
use it. As long as you avoid inappropriate jokes and don't laugh off serious
situations, you'll find your colleagues will be drawn to you. Humor can even be
a great way to break down barriers with that super shy coworker or moody boss.
Tip #9: Put yourself in their shoes
An empathetic person can understand how another person feels, and empathy
is an important trait when working with others. Always consider circumstances
from another person's viewpoint. What may seem like the obvious, correct answer
to you could have entirely different implications when seen from another
perspective. Above all, keep tabs on your own feelings; people who are unable
to tap into their own emotions often have difficulty empathizing with others.
Tip #10: Don't be a whiner
Almost every office has a chronic complainer, and you'll notice they tend
to be the least popular person in the office. If you constantly whine about
this and that, your negativity will push others away from you. If there's
something you really need to get off your chest, write about it in your journal
or briefly chat about it with your friends and family. Otherwise, you'll risk
being known as the office brat.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
New Team Member to ERC ~ Welcome Devon
We would like to welcome and introduce our newest team member here at ERC. Devon Alexander. Devon comes to ERC after a 9 1/2 years of proven sales at KELO. Devon will be specializing in the Ag and Manufacturing sectors and can be reached at devon@ercjobs.com or 605.428.6149.
As A Client What Are Your Fee Options
Read below to see what might be the best choice for you, as our client, and what each option offers.
How many times have you had a recruiter call you and want to
market a potential candidate or generally market their services. When the conversation turns to fees a lot of
the time the response you get is dependent upon the type of search or agreement
that is proposed. How many times have
you been faced with a choice of what sort of an agreement you could have
available but then no one took the time to explain the benefits and advantages
of anything but a contingency based search. Many times you pick the contingency
based search because there is no upfront cost to you but then again is cheaper
always better.
I would like to take this opportunity to offer information
about the differences, advantages and disadvantages to agreements that might be
Let’s start with contingency
searches. In most cases the contingency search offers an opportunity to the
client to see candidates with no upfront costs.
In many cases this search is used when there is limited urgency and
there may be a larger pool of qualified or nearly qualified candidates. The only cost incurred to the client is if
and only if a client presented by the recruiter or recruit firm is hired. The
disadvantage is that with this kind of search the recruiter or search firm
cannot afford to dedicate a set amount of time to the search. There may also be limited calls made to
prospective clients outside the pool the recruiter has been working with. In many cases the client will and can end up
with a very good candidate but in most cases will not be the best the industry
has to offer.
I am sure you have all had a recruiter pitch a retained search and probably presented
it in such a way that both sides have some skin in the game. This goes beyond a simple commitment between
client and recruiter. In most cases a
retained search will involve up t a third of the projected placement fee to be
paid up front. This will provide the
client with an urgent, committed, and dedicated search that has a larger market
coverage. When a placement is made then
the balance of the fee will be due. In contingency searches a recruiter may
limit the number of calls being made to prospective candidates or limited to a
pool of candidates that are readily available. With a retained search the
number of calls will increase immensely and the recruiter will research and
call every candidate they can find until that market coverage is broad and in
most cases all potential candidates have been contacted. In many cases if the search is unsuccessful
the fees can be moved forward to another search that may need to be done.
Another option may be the financially committed search. Normally there are payments upfront
with milestone payments throughout the process. This opens the door for the
client to request documented work that has been done so they can be confident
in the recruiters work and efforts. The
client can also attach payments to the milestones they select and the recruiter
agrees to. Also because of the shared risk associated with this option the
client may be able to leverage better fees and contractual terms. This is also
available for annual commitments where a company may be in a growth mode and
anticipate needing a number of candidates.
The agreement can be crafted to cover potential hires and needs as they
arise throughout the year. It may also
create a financial advantage for the company and may see more candidates hire
at a lower percentage of the normal contingency type fee.
The final option may be a consulting agreement. I think recruiters do not present this option
nearly enough nor do clients take advantage of this option as much as they
could or should. With this agreement
there are many advantages to the client.
It will allow ongoing recruiting being done on a number of positions, it
keeps the recruiter in the market place constantly in order to gather data and
information that can be shared with the client, it allows the client to keep
their thumb on their industry’s pulse and retrieve some information that
otherwise might not be discovered, and it allows market feedback and reports of
what is being found and heard within the industry on a regular basis.
In the meantime I think that it is would be imperative for a
company to sit down with a recruit firm they are doing business with and look
at all options that are available. What
could be gained is a stronger more client focused relationship that provides
better returns for the client and a better outcome for the search firm or
Steve Green
Account Executive at ERC
You can contact Steve at (605) 369-2105 or email steve@ercjobs.com
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Craig Libis quoted in The Street's Leadership Series
Can You Lead in a Hoodie? Mark Zuckerberg Thinks So
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Rob Tiff - Congrats on one year at ERC!
Congratulations to Rob Tiff on celebrating his one year anniversary here at ERC! Rob specializes in the Ag Equipment industry. Working with sales managers, sales positions, parts managers, service techs, and diesel mechanics in the upper midwest. You can email Rob at rob@ercjobs.com.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Seed Corn Shortage? How About In South Dakota?
See what the experts around South Dakota think. Read Below:

By now you have probably heard about possible seed corn shortages across the Midwest so we decided to take a closer look at the situation in South Dakota. Here’s what some seed representatives around the state are saying.
-Reed Mayberry, Pioneer
“As an industry we are challenged with supply across the maturity zones. The storms we had last growing season wreaked havoc on our seed corn production fields.”
“We first recommend that farmers get possession of their seed. Then make sure you have the right product on the right acre. Have a plan for which fields you want to plant first and adjust accordingly.”
-Joe Schefers, Monsanto
“As conditions vary from one area to another, we recommend that you stay in close contact with your seed dealer to identify the best products for maximum production.”
- Mike Drey, Hefty Seeds
“Don’t be planting too early and expect to have decent, quality seed for replant.”
“There are certain numbers that just aren’t going to be there, especially newer varieties.”
By now you have probably heard about possible seed corn shortages across the Midwest so we decided to take a closer look at the situation in South Dakota. Here’s what some seed representatives around the state are saying.
-Reed Mayberry, Pioneer
“As an industry we are challenged with supply across the maturity zones. The storms we had last growing season wreaked havoc on our seed corn production fields.”
“We first recommend that farmers get possession of their seed. Then make sure you have the right product on the right acre. Have a plan for which fields you want to plant first and adjust accordingly.”
-Joe Schefers, Monsanto
“As conditions vary from one area to another, we recommend that you stay in close contact with your seed dealer to identify the best products for maximum production.”
- Mike Drey, Hefty Seeds
“Don’t be planting too early and expect to have decent, quality seed for replant.”
“There are certain numbers that just aren’t going to be there, especially newer varieties.”
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Chris Libis Makes ERC Partner !
Executive Recruiting Consultants, Inc. Adds Partner!

Dell Rapids, SD – February 23rd, 2012 – ERC, Inc. & ERC Ag. announces the addition of Christopher J. Libis as a partner to lead its Agricultural Division in the State of Iowa & Wisconsin.
“Chris brings with him a wealth of sales and search experience and an unparalleled track record of professional success which will do everything to enhance our effectiveness in serving our client’s needs, as well as, strengthen ERC Ag’s position within the agricultural community,” said Craig Libis, Chief Executive Officer of ERC, Inc.
Chris has been a team member at ERC, Inc. since March of 2009.
Founded in 2002, ERC, Inc. is an executive search and recruitment firm that has grown by 30% each year for the past 5 years. With the simple mission of making our client companies stronger and better. For more information, please visit http://www.ercjobs.com/.
Monday, February 20, 2012
ERC's Craig Libis quoted in The Street on leadership!
Best Business Lessons from George Washington
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